This year there were somewhere around 32,000 people in around 900 cities all over the world. And I was in our Cheyenne group. We had maybe 35 people, though a lot seemed to wander off or just quit early. Besides it being a pretty warm summer day here, Frontier Days was also going on. Which is a big western Yee-Haa rodeo festival. If you're into that sort of thing. Which I'm not.
But it was a very interesting day at any rate. Got some interesting shots. Two are entered in our cities walk for consideration of a win, and going on to the main competition. One winning photo from each city entered for some pretty big prizes. Which of the following two did I enter???
A sky shot with some teepees in the Indian Village. Part of the Frontier Days activity. I worked on the cloud some, added a little darkness to add to the drama of it.
It's the Bee-52! It was a huge bee. About thumb sized. The photo is pretty good, but background was a little too busy. So I gave it some zoom blur to artsy it up a little.
Our Photowalk:
It was an interesting, fun day. Nice to see what other people shot at the same time.