Ordinary scenery along one of the many hiking trails.
Perhaps better personal hygiene might solve this problem. Someone put these signs up recently, not sure why. I went left!
The scenery was about the same. But the bugs were not. They are THICK. Even though I had mosquito repellent, it wasn't helping much. They were killers.
The ground was VERY wet in places too. For July, it was a real mud hole. My shoes were covered with mud after taking a particularly messy trail.
Long story short - between the mud and bugs, I'm gonna give the trails a time out! Later in the season they'll be a lot better.
A nice looking triple burst capture.
One of those bigger explosions with sparkly little things running all over the place. It's mostly cropped out but you can see a lot more smoke in te bottom of the photo.
Summer Solstice today - longest day of the year! Was very humid much of the day, but got quite a bit nicer by this evening. Since I haven't done much cycling lately, had to put a few miles on the two wheeler. Very nice night! Think I only ate one bug!
Will I do a SDOTYBR? Well, that's in December. So, odds they are not so good. But who knows?!