It's September already? Then it must be time to try a hike again! Since I haven't been out since early July, decided the warm, dry weekend weather was telling me I better get a hike in before weather turns again.
So I geared up and headed out to
Vedauwoo for the first time this year. And I took some more potent bug repellent just in case!

Fortunately, I didn't need it. No bug problems at all. It was warm, breezy to windy at times, and clear or just partly cloudy. A pretty nice day. Everything is still green, or just getting very faint hints of changing to fall yellows. Couple weeks and its gonna look a lot different. Sad to see that I'm seeing even more brown pines as more of them die thanks to the Pine Beetles.

In one spot is the little stream/falls area. Normally barely running. I would expect just the lightest trickle this time of year. Nope! It was flowing harder than I've ever seen here. Not sure where this water is coming from, but its moving!

This is upstream of the falls, a little rocky 'rapids' area. Water appears out of a culvert pipe here, from somewhere, and it's whitewater!