Saturday, June 22, 2013



It will be clear(er) in a moment.

Went to another car show. Took a variety of photos, but just posting this one -


Otherwise known as another in my Dramatic High Contrast Black & White Old Car Hood Ornament series!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Back On The Trail

Got out for a spring hike. Things have been wetter this year, so that's a definite improvement!

Just going through a normal cycle of seasons. Some years dry, some wet, some somewhere in the middle.
A bit of a motion-blur long exposure shot of some water running in a river. These photos are always fun to take, if you can find a good angle to shoot from. And use a tripod or something to keep yourself steady.
Skeletons! These trees have been dead a long time. Silent sentinels of their past lives.