Last night was July 4th. And I went out to capture some of it again in the camera.
Took the new camera and the older DSLR. Both were shooting at the same time, running off the same remote. Most of the pictures I'm using here came from the DSLR, two from the new camera.
Fireworks is always a lot of luck, but I got some interesting shots. Played with focus on some of the shots as you'll see.
A big purple flower burst to kick this set of photos off.
Kind of a neat little circular shape with layers to it.
Some focus adjustment during exposure on this big red flowery burst.
A collection of shots going off at once.
Got a bunch of little 'starburst' effects in this one.
More playing with focus. You can see that I managed to move the camera slightly while adjusting focus (it was on a tripod), but I still like all the colors and effects going on in this one. Crazy colorful.
The finale. Something new this year - all those little light bursts in the center, didn't create a lot of visual effect, but they made a MASSIVE amount of noise, and they were rapid-fire non-stop for maybe 20 seconds. It was a real 'blast' of an ending. It wasn't very windy, and afterwards the smoke settled to the ground like a fog. That smelled like burnt powder. Not a real long show, but a pretty impressive one for sure.
That's all the fireworks for now. Have to come up with something new to try next time.