I had to wait till Sunday. Because on Friday night it got rather cold and rained in town. While in my hiking areas, there was Wintrex! Otherwise known as snow. Several inches of the nasty stuff! It took much of the day Saturday to warm up melt off. So off I went Sunday with warmer temps and camera at the ready. And expecting to still hit a little snow.
I wasn't disappointed.
Hitting the trails, still an inch of snow. Mostly just in shady areas now. The pathways were muddy. But the day warmed up quickly, and dried out quickly too. Then it was back to good old Fall Color Quest!
A nice little pond I've shot before. There are some bright colors, especially the trees on the left in this shot. Which I'm about to get a lot closer to!
Quite strong reds along with the orange and yellows. I didn't change the colors, that's how they looked. Not too many strong reds with the trees around here, so that was really nice to see!
Getting onto one of my favorite trails with lots of Aspens, I was glad to see I got here in time to capture some nice color before all the leaves come down.
Another spot along the same trail. The leaves were reddish-orange on these really tall Aspens. And looked great! I wish they would look like this a lot more of the year.
A panorama on my way out. I shot this area a couple weeks ago, in a prior post. This is a comparison for colors, which there certainly are more of now than then. Though in spots, the leaves are already gone!
OK, its getting later in the day, time to move on to the next location. Since I didn't have a lot of time I only visited briefly but still got a couple shots.
A silky smooth water pic, just for something different. A handheld (with the help of a large rock) time exposure. Turned out pretty well considering.
Another panorama. Best way to see more color at once. This one is made up of 4 separate photos. Probably close to a 180 degree view.
Well, late in the day, time to call it a day. Start planning next weekend. The colors are hanging around, so I'll be back to find something new again.
See ya then!