Saturday, October 7, 2017


Or, World Wide Photo Walk, the 4th time I've done it. This was the 10th Worldwide Photowalk.

Last WWPW I did was 2 years ago. Which  I won (location only)! This years was downtown. Day wasn't bad temperature wise. 50s and 60s as morning went on. It was pretty windy though, which made it challenging at times.

20 people signed up this year, most showed up. Walked for about 2 hours shooting random things, got some ok pictures, not sure any of them were really 'wow' factor photos.

2 years ago, only 3 people entered the location competition. I hope more enter this year. I'll be curious to see what other people shot.

Starting off with my entry in the contest this year. Most of my shots most could have used a little something more, but hey, you're trying to cover a lot of ground, in a pretty short time.
An old Ford truck, in front of a colorful mural. Lots of various murals are scattered about downtown in the alleys. If it would have been a 1950s car, you'd think it was somewhere in Cuba probably. Not the wild west.

I WON the local walk with this photo! Nice!

Would like to see the other entries from our walk, but so far they aren't anywhere to be seen. The Kelby Photowalk is a great idea, but it seems to get less organized, more neglected by the people putting it on every year.

I am now one of ~984 potential winners in this years big worldwide contest. No prizes for location winners anymore, apparently. Just an entry in the main contest. That's ok.

So, now that I've won two worldwide photowalk contests, (for my location), does that mean I can refer to myself as a multiple award winning photographer?

More photos and contest news in the next post...

Sunday, October 1, 2017

That's More Like It!

A week later, and I'm out hiking again. Gotta get those fall colors while they are here.

After last weekend's cold and foggy day, this weekend was much improved. It was still a bit cool, and a little breezy. But mostly clear, with some interesting clouds and overall just a great day for a hike.
See, that's what I mean! Now that's what you expect to see. Fall colors were overall a little better than last week. Though inconsistency still was about. Just one of those kind of years I guess.
This tree kinda sorta looks like a woodpecker. That's what I'm thinking, anyway.
Pine needles. But not fall colors. Just another pine slowly dying due to the Pine Beetle. That's still going on. Though it seems to have slowed. I hope it ends. There's too many dead pine trees, and I'd really like to see the remaining ones survive.
My favorite shot of the day. It's a 3 shot panorama. The colors on the ground and the contrasty layers of clouds in the sky really looked great. Probably my favorite shot of the whole season!
Late in the hike, headed out. A couple big old dead trees against the fall colors and the sky. At least I didn't get rained on today. I was even warm for a while! Unfortunately, I barely saw any wildlife. No deer, moose, hardly even any squirrels or chipmunks. Can't win 'em all. People and dogs were about it. Still a great days hike though.