It's summer now. The snow and cold have left us for a while. And in their place, we have greenery and wildlife of all kinds. Some big, some very small.
Here's a few I've captured with a macro lens.
A tick! That I found crawling on me. It didn't last long after this photo was taken. Wasn't a very cooperative subject either - wouldn't sit still. There's been a fair number of these pests around this year. I've found more on me than I like. All on the move, not settled in for a snack. Fortunately.
Ants. Lots of ants. There have been large numbers of them crawling all over these flowers as they got ready to bloom.
Look at those cute puppy spider eyes! Actually a very tiny spider, working on a meal from the looks of it. This was my most cooperative subject. Just sort of sat there while I got in for the closeup.
Amazing the details you can see of something when its enlarged a little!