Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Wet Way

Went out for a hike at one of my favorite local spots today, the Pole Mountain trails. Lots of trails and not very crowded. The weather is finally nice enough. At least, according to the weatherman it was supposed to be.

The day started out pretty nice. Mostly sunny and warm. But some clouds to west.

That's good dandelion! I wasn't the only one enjoying the nice day.

Panorama shot on a scenic lookout, from south to west. And as you can see, it's getting to look a bit stormier. Guess I'll continue on...

Within couple hours it was thundering constantly, sprinking rain, and hailing. That's hail. Not flowers or anything else. Good thing I brought a rain coat. Cause it opened up soon after, and really rained. I had to hide out under shelter during the heavy pours. And it got a lot colder also.

Shot from near the end of my hiking day. I quit earlier than planned because the weather just wasn't gonna cooperate. I was cold and wet enough for one day. Back home, it was dry, warmer, just cloudy. That's annoying. The weather is usually nicer up on the trails, and wetter back down in town. Oh well, there's always another weekend.

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