Monday, December 31, 2018

Change of Scenery

For the Christmas Holidays.

Took a trip up north to visit some family for a couple weeks. Had super travel weather - 40s and 50s in mid December! Sure would like to have that weather coming back, but its unlikely.

Snapped a few photos, including a nice morning sunrise after a snow storm
And of course, I always take a few fun photos of the lights on the Christmas tree.
I think this one looks a little like a 'Lightman' with a head, body, arms and legs.
Welcome to the Christmas Matrix? Sure hope I get tagged as nice, and not naughty!

Time to head home. Left the day before a snow storm, and much colder temps. The day started off nice, some clouds. Had been a light snow dusting overnight so road seemed just a tad slick, I went slower at first. It was SUPPOSED to be raining in the Black Hills area. But instead it was snowing. Quite a bit. I drove probably 100 miles on snowy/icy roads at 30-40 mph. It was wearing on me. But then it suddenly cleared up, roads were dry, no snow. And warmer. So I was able to finish up the trip with a nice sunset. Did get home a bit late due to the slow travel.
A 3 shot of the morning, mid day snow and evening. Made it home safe. And with me was another special item I actually bought months ago, but just got over Christmas - ANOTHER bike! A real actual high end road bike. It's used, well used, but in pretty nice shape. I'm developing plans for some upgrades to this bike, of course! I'll have some posts on that in the future. 

See you next year!

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