Monday, January 21, 2019

Sulf Bloon? Suwo Blomo?

Just trying to come up with a slightly shorter version of last night's lunar eclipse.

The 'Super Wolf Blood Moon'. Really rolls right off the tongue...

Anyway, decided to try some photos. Taking photos of a moon during an eclipse is quite a job. Low light and long exposures plus lots of lens magnification make for some difficult shooting. Not to mention its a bit cold outside in January!

Used my mirrorless dslr. Because it the only camera I have that can use my long lenses. I shot with several, but mostly with my 70-300 mm zoom, and my old 600 mm mirror lens. Plus I tried using my doubler. Which could effectively make my 600 mm lens a 1200 mm lens.

The 70-300 worked pretty well. The mirror lens has been something of an issue for me. I've had it since the mid 1980s. And never use it, as it never gives me good photos. Getting sharp focus with that lens is basically impossible. All the doubler photos were big, but pretty blurry.

Took a lot of photos, many of the eclipse were ok. Due to slightly longer exposures required they're mostly all a little softer looking. Cause the earth and the moon are moving and I was zoomed in on it a lot!
This is a cheat - its actually from the night before as I was testing some stuff out. A 600 mm shot. And surprisingly sharp! Probably the best picture of a full moon I've ever taken. I really like this one. I think this was with the 300mm and the doubler. No real way to tell. If it was with the mirror lens then it is likely the best photo I've ever captured with that lens.

OK, now on to the night of the actual eclipse...
The shadow of the earth covering the moon as the eclipse is under way. A bit soft but a interesting shot.
The moon completely in eclipse. A reddish moon - the blood moon. I have lots of photos, they all look pretty similar to this one. A couple second exposure, so everything gets just a bit blurry due to magnification and things like the earth and moon keep moving during the shot! Should have tried cranking up the ISO more for a faster shutter speed I guess. Next time!

A short while later, the eclipse ended and the moon was back to normal. But for a little while, we got a good show. And a few interesting photos. And I got to warm up!

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