Saturday, May 29, 2010


Your parents always told you to watch for trains.

I found the old ones! As in it was free visit to the UP Train Depot weekend, so I grabbed the camera and went out for my first photo trip in a while. Got a few nice images.

This tanker may have served the Cotton Belt at one time. Now its just sitting and rusting away. Has some sections you can't see cut out of it. So I doubt its ever going to carry a load again.
Here's the mo-pac. I'm not sure what that is, but somebody didn't like it very much. Some rather unflattering writing was scratched into the logo, mostly cropped out of this shot. The car looked like a caboose, but had a platform on either end.
Inside an old cargo car. And it is tilting that much. Had no wheels, and was sinking and leaning into the ground.

I like the rusted old star on the side of a rusted old train car. Lots and lots of old steel and iron rusting away under the Wyoming skies.

How about this for some nice Southern exposure? A fairly decent shape old Southern Pacific passenger car, maybe slated for restoration. There are several restored old steam and diesel engines and a number of restored old passenger cars here. And a few that are in the process.

A black and white of the front of the tender for UP 3985, an old Challenger steam engine that still makes regular special runs, but is currently in the shop for a little maintenance work.

Looks like it's time to get out of the way!
Interesting to go back and look for new things to photograph. Weather was fair, a little cool and breezy. Not a lot of people there this year it didn't seem like - usually kind of crowded.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Out of the Darkness

Not so much for posting lately. Been busy with ebaying and xboxing and other such fun things.

Plus, the weather has been quite uncooperative for cycling. Raining, snowing, windy, too cold. Yeah, I know. Boo Hoo.

Got some photos that are interesting somewhere. If I can get a little more organized maybe I'll post a few!

At least the weather is starting to break out of winter. Though some severe storms and tornadoes today say don't get too used to anything too nice. Since it's getting close to June, I expect it'll suddenly turn to summer and be hot.

Someone sent me this - it's supposed to be the small tornado south of town today, don't know if this was actually it or not. Could be!

That's all for the moment...more to come...sometime soon...