Thursday, November 12, 2015

Not Quite...

Just a quick update, post Photowalk contest.

The Grand Prize and 10 Runner-Up prizes were picked. Unfortunately, mine was not among them. Here's a link to the page with the winners, (for as long as it works) and the reasoning behind their wins, per Scott Kelby who runs the whole thing and makes the final call on judging.

A day later they also announced a follow up with Honorable Mentions. This was good - there were over 30 picks here. All shots he really liked, but didn't win any prizes. 

You may notice, I am not in this set either. Bummer. So all together, there were about 45 winners selected from the group of over 900. Has to be a tough thing to judge. I can't say I like or agree with all his choices of winners, but anything like this is extremely subjective to whatever the judge likes/dislikes at this moment in time. I think I had a pretty good entry, but I guess I shall have to try again!