Monday, March 30, 2020

Froze Out

Winter finally drawing to a close. It started off looking rough, with a lot of snow and very cold. But the second half of it moderated a lot in temperatures, and much less snow. Still winter, but not a bad ND winter. Which I certainly appreciate.

As Spring is returning to the prairie, its time to take a short look back at Winter...
A foggy, frosty night leads to a very frosted set of tress. Looks interesting when everything has a icy white coating. Never lasts very long though.
Just another cold foggy day, power lines fading into the horizon. Gray days.
A sharp division between the frosty ground and the sky. Kind of makes me think of being on the edge of a cliff.
After all the gray and white, time for a splash of color on a winter evening sunset, through the clouds and the still standing old weeds from last summer.

Glad to have Spring. Not glad we have to deal with this Corona virus issue. This is bad, but seems we are taking measures on it a bit 'extreme'. I hope this settles down quickly. For everyone. The economy doesn't need this, and I most definitely don't either!