Sunday, November 30, 2014

Super Sparkly

Weather was pretty decent so went out to the annual Christmas parade again, trying to get a few good photos.

As always, that's about it. Its too dark, things moving to fast, etc. Even though I used the newest camera, and cranked up the ISO, most still looked a tad blurry. But I included a few here, just to prove I did get a few photos!
 One of the very well lighted big trucks in the parade. As always there was anything from people walking to people on bikes to cars to floats to really big trucks. This was one of the more lit up examples.
Another well lit truck, with a big chimney! This was probably one of my 'clearest' shots of the night.
At least this shot of the Capitol building didn't move! I mostly B&W converted it, had some funny coloring from the lighting. Now it looks a little ominous almost!