Monday, September 30, 2019

Falling Flat

Fall has been a bit flat here. No big changes, new jobs or other events. And the fall colors weren't the best, kinda spotty, just didn't get much this year.

But I still got some interesting photos to post!
A field of dried weeds, on a cloudy fall evening.
A closeup of a wet barbed wire fence. Old and rusty but still hanging on. I'm feeling more like that myself some days.
Some black and white drama! The railroad bridge across the Missouri river in fall. In the summer this place is a beehive of activity with lots of boaters, people fishing, cyclists and walkers along the trails, you name it. As it gets colder, that pretty much ends except for a few hardy souls on the trail. 
The fall season changes to winter too quickly here farther north. And the winters are definitely too long and cold. I'm used to milder winter weather for sure.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Pack It Up

Finally getting a post uploaded. Been busy with a big move and all kinds of fun.

After about 25 years, relocating to try a new location. Due to changing job situations, and helping out with some family needs back home. So headed from the mountain west to the prairie.

There were several ways I could have moved. Several different vehicles I could have used. But ended up going with the big Orange Uhaul. The BIG one.
And a tow dolly for my little car. Plus I recruited my little brother to come down, drive my little pickup back as well. And help with packing and unpacking, of course.

Trip went fine. It was a LONG day. Weather had been pretty warm, being mid August no big surprise. But moving day was cooler with a lot of clouds, and some showers all day. For the ~600 mile trip. 
Saw a lot of this. The trip took all day but we made it fine. Started unloading the next day. Used a little over $200 worth of gas for the trip and the big V10. Next begins 'life in a northern town'.

Lots of things to do. And I don't even know if I'll be staying here. I'm here for now, but depending on what comes up next for me, I may be staying here. I may not. We'll have to wait and see, I'll update more on that when it happens! With more photos along the way...