Saturday, August 6, 2016

Eye In The Sky

Got back from a recent summer vacation trip. Took assorted photos along the way, but after looking at them, the only ones worth posting were sky photos with some interesting clouds and stormy weather.

They were pretty dramatic looking, and gave me some pretty interesting images. Some were shot HDR, some weren't. Ready to check them out? No? OK, I can wait....

Hmmm hmmm hmmm........

Now you're ready? OK, here they are!

A strong storm front rolled through, and had some pretty extreme sky conditions. There was some rain but mostly just a LOT of thunder and intense looking clouds. This one had some definite mammatus cloud formation going on.
A close up of another cloud. The clouds almost seemed to be boiling. The shape was constantly changing. Looked pretty menacing, and pretty amazing at the same time.
A colorful break between one set of clouds with another darker cloud moving in. This one is a little more dramatic with the HDR effect. Was a real busy, ever changing sky.
Some extreme colors as the day got later and the light got lower on the horizon.

Quite a dramatic day don't you think?