Monday, September 28, 2015

Bad Moon on the Rise?

Went out last night to take photos of the big lunar eclipse.

It was both a Supermoon eclipse, as the moon was about as close to the Earth as it gets, and also the 4th 'Blood Moon' in a recent series of blood moons.

There's all sorts of religious, mythical and other attachments to such events. Whether they really mean anything I'm not sure. That's up to everyone to decide, and time itself. Anyway, on to a couple photos!
The night started with a awesome sunset. God beams on the horizon under the clouds. Wait - clouds? They'll obscure the eclipse! Fortunately, that didn't happen. The clouds broke up and mostly drifted away. They did get in the way briefly during the eclipse but for the most part it was totally clear! Unusual - the weather rarely seems to cooperate during such events.

I took a series of photos, made a collage as most people do showing the eclipse coming and going.
These were all with my smaller camera, and the exposures were off a bit, a little too overexposed on many. But it still made a good series all together.

There were a number of people out watching the eclipse when I was. Though everyone left by the time it was in full 'blood moon' eclipse. I was the only person watching the eclipse end.

Glad the weather cooperated. If I shoot one of these again I'm going to use my DSLR with long zoom lens so I can get closer and control the exposures a little more.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Quest for Color, Part 2

One week later, new location, what did I find?

Much the same. Some color, lots of green. Lots of pale yellow or leaves that have fallen already. Talk about an inconsistent fall. The whole color change things seem discombobulated this year. Sigh.

Starting off with a little sky action. There were a few more clouds this weekend, which always looks a little better than a plain blue sky. These HDR clouds make quite a nice puffy, fluffy look over this large rock feature.
A touch more color here. All the grass long ago turned yellow, everything else is this years grab-bag of colors, along with the remains of a long ago burned tree trunk.
Who needs color, when you can get black and white drama? A rock and sky shot is wrapping up this quest for color! Almost looks like a infrared image!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Quest for Color, Part 1

Fall rolls around again, so time to head for the hills, look for a little fall color!

After a very dry, then very wet spring, followed by a mostly dry summer, we now have a late fall. No frost, and temps have been summer like. I'm not sure if that affects the color or not, maybe it does. For this time of year, it's been VERY green, with not much color change yet.

Though in spots, it has changed, but the colors are very dull. Some of the leaves have a lot of dark spots, some fungus or something. Some leaves have fallen already. Not sure this is gonna be all that colorful of a fall this year. Bummer!
A meadow with a pond, a little color but a lot of green. Shot in HDR, which helped pop a little detail out in the sky, which was looking almost plain blue. The clouds have kind of a unique shape to them I think.
A curtain of leaves, yellow and green - the order of the day.

I'll head out again next weekend as long as the weather permits, maybe find a little more color in another location.